10.20.030 Penalties and remedies.
A. In accordance with AS 29.25.070(a), citations for the violation of this chapter may be disposed of as provided in AS 12.25.195 through 12.25.230, without a court appearance, upon payment of the fine amounts established in a schedule of fines adopted by the borough assembly by ordinance pursuant to Chapter 1.20 KIBC, plus the state surcharge required by AS 12.55.039 and 29.25.074.
B. Penalties incurred and/or remedies sought for violations of this chapter are the responsibility of the registered owner of the vehicle, any person who has acquired legal title to the vehicle from or through the registered owner, or any person who has violated KIBC 10.20.010 or 10.20.020.
C. Notwithstanding the availability of any other remedy, the borough or any aggrieved person may bring a civil action to enjoin any violation of this chapter, or to obtain damages for any injury the plaintiff suffered as a result of the violation, including, but not limited to, the recovery of costs associated with towing and impoundment.
D. Each act or condition violated in this chapter and each day during which the act or condition exists, continues or is repeated shall be a separate and distinct violation.
E. The penalties provided for violation of this chapter are in addition to and not in lieu of any other penalty provided for in state law or any civil remedy available to the borough. [Ord. FY2020-09 §11, 2020].