Ordinance FY2015-10
- Description
- Amends §§3.35.020, 3.35.040, 3.35.050, 3.35.070, 3.35.090, 3.35.100, 3.35.120, 3.35.140, 3.35.150 and 3.35.160; repeals §§3.35.170, 3.35.180, 3.35.190, 3.35.200, 3.35.210, 3.35.220, 3.35.230, 3.35.240, 3.35.250 and 3.35.260, real property tax
- Disposition
- Codified
- Adoption Date
- 2015
- Files Available
- Affecting
- Ordinance 74-11-O (Repealed by Ord. FY2015-10)
- Ordinance 90-38 (Repealed by Ord. FY2015-10)
- 3.35.020, Property subject to tax (Amended by §3)
- 3.35.040, Method of assessment (Amended by §4)
- 3.35.050, Board of equalization (Amended by §5)
- 3.35.070, Addresses – Responsibility of persons subject to taxation (Amended by §6)
- 3.35.090, Property tax billing (Amended by §7)
- 3.35.100, Correction of errors (Amended by §8)
- 3.35.120, Tax due dates and delinquency (Amended by §9)
- 3.35.140, Late payments – Penalty and interest (Amended by §10)
- 3.35.150, Enforcement of tax liens on real property (Amended by §11)
- 3.35.160, Foreclosure (Amended by §12)
- 3.35.170, Publication of the foreclosure list (Repealed)
- 3.35.180, Notice of foreclosure proceeding (Repealed)
- 3.35.190, Clearing delinquencies before sale (Repealed)
- 3.35.200, Notice of foreclosure list to lien holder (Repealed)
- 3.35.210, Apportionment of costs (Repealed)
- 3.35.220, Enforcement by personal action (Repealed)
- 3.35.230, Foreclosure proceedings (Repealed)
- 3.35.240, Effect of redemption (Repealed)
- 3.35.250, Notice of expiration of redemption (Repealed)
- 3.35.260, Deed to borough (Repealed)
- (Repealed)