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Number Description Action Date Disposition
Ord. FY2023-19 Amends § 17.175.050, off-street parking location 9/7/2023 Codified
Ord. FY2023-18 Amends §§ 1.20.050 and 8.20.010, unlawful acts 8/3/2023 Codified
Ord. FY2023-17 Amends § 2.15.010, personnel rules and regulations 4/20/2023 Codified
Ord. FY2023-16 Amends § 4.130.020, Mission Lake tidegate service area board 4/20/2023 Codified
Ord. FY2023-15 Amends § 7.40.010, canvass of returns 4/6/2023 Codified
Ord. FY2023-14 Amends § 3.35.050(E)(3), board of equalization 2/16/2023 Codified
Ord. FY2023-13 Amends § 17.180.010, signs 4/6/2023 Codified
Ord. FY2023-12 Amends § 15.40.080, building and lot numbering 1/5/2023 Codified
Ord. FY2023-11 Lease of property 11/3/2022 Special
Ord. FY2023-10 Disposal of Larsen Bay School property 11/17/2022 Special
Ord. FY2023-09 Amends salary schedule 10/20/2022 Special
Ord. FY2023-08 Rezone 10/6/2022 Special
Ord. FY2023-07 Rezone 10/6/2022 Special
Ord. FY2023-06 Rezone 10/6/2022 Special
Ord. FY2023-05 Amends Title 7, elections 7/7/2022 Codified
Ord. FY2023-04 Amends §§ 2.100.030, 2.105.010 and 2.145.010, administration and personnel 7/7/2022 Codified
Ord. FY2023-03 Amends §§ 2.20.070(A) and 2.30.100(E), mayor and assembly compensation 6/2/2022 Codified
Ord. FY2023-02C Amends FY2023 budget 6/15/2023 Special
Ord. FY2023-02B Amends FY2023 budget 1/19/2023 Special
Ord. FY2023-02A Amends FY2023 budget 11/3/2022 Special
Ord. FY2023-02 Adopts FY2023 budget 6/2/2022 Special
Ord. FY2023-01 2022 tax levy 6/2/2022 Special
Ord. FY2022-20 Amends § 3.30.030, open market procedures 6/2/2022 Codified
Ord. FY2022-19 Amends §§ 2.40.140 and 2.40.160, records management 6/2/2022 Codified
Ord. FY2022-18 Writes off delinquent property tax accounts 6/2/2022 Special